Projects & Writing
- ThisBotKillsFascists, a Twitter bot exploring bad fonts, pretty photos, and an uplifting message.
- No Man's Sky's identity crisis
- Software Engineers: It's time to pay attention to design
B.S. Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology (2009 - 2013)
Concentrations in Web and mobile development (Web, iOS, Android)
Technical skills
- Client-side Web technologies: JavaScript (vanilla, jQuery, Angular), CSS (LESS, Sass, Stylus), HTML, templating engines (Handlebars, Twig, Jade, Google Closure Templates, EJS)
- Server-side Web technologies: Node.js (primarily with Express), PHP, .NET MVC with C#, hosting with Amazon Web Services (S3, Cloudfront, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, RDS)
- Web skills: Responsive web design, mobile first, Web accessibility, semantic HTML, optimizing Web performance
- Tools: Version control (Git, SVN, TFS), Grunt, Gulp.js, IDEs & text editors (Sublime Text, Vim, Visual Studio, XCode, Eclipse), unit testing and Test-Driven Development (Jasmine, QUnit)
- Other languages and frameworks: Java (desktop and Android), Objective-C (iOS)
Work Experience
Brand Networks
June 2013 - present
Rochester, NY
Software Engineer specializing in front-end Web development. Working on a team in an “agile” environment with designers, other engineers, and directly with customers. Past: built exciting and modern custom Web marketing solutions for clients. Present: designing and implementing internal products to make daily activities of Content Services team members more efficient and effective.
Wegmans Food Markets
December 2011 - May 2012
Rochester, NY
Programmer Analyst (co-op internship). Spent approx. 50% of my time performing code maintenance (bug fixes/feature requests) for enterprise ASP.NET applications, and the other 50% doing R&D. Built a prototype Chrome extension from scratch to integrate with the company"s online shopping list and later ported the extension to Firefox.
iD Tech Camps
Summers of 2010, 2011, 2012
Princeton, NJ
Instructor, Lead Instructor. Responsibilities included teaching a course of up to 8 students per week, all-day supervision of campers, greeting family members during check-in & check-out, and communicating to parents the progress of their children during the week. Taught classes in Java, game modding, and game design.
RIT ITS Resnet
April 2011 - May 2013
Rochester, NY
Computer repair technician. Provided technical support via phone, assisted customers at front desk, diagnosed and troubleshot hardware and software issues, removed malware from infected machines, maintained in-house ticketing system (PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript/JQuery).
Other activities
- Regular participant in BarCamp Rochester “un-conference” events.
- Participant in Coderetreat event focused on test-driven development and the fundamentals of software development